Wednesday 17 October 2012

traditional food 2

Chiken Flos Bun

Coffee Bun, Kaya Bun and Red Been Bun

Pelbagai Jenis bun
Kuih Bahulu

Contoh cmne nak makan pecal

Smbal Pecal

traditional food

Assalamualaikum and hai guys...
have you heard about Halfest that have been done last week from 11th october until 14th october 2012...
that was a great event, Halfest event is the event that show a lot of IKS company in Malaysia and the only event that bring about 500 booth. there a lot of product we can see include from food industries, beauty, tourism, and also from the media side.

on 11th october 2012, saya dan bersama beberapa orang rakan kunjungi event tu. and i found there is the best event for us. especially for young generation that want to find a new thing in order to learn or making some business. I noticed that, traditional food is one of the popular booth that people love to go. sometimes, we always think that traditional food is too old school, but actually that was the best food that now we can't get it. if we as the young generation didn't learn it. we will lost our traditional food. as the superb young generation and here I love to share to all of you product that my family produce..I promise that my product was the awesome product you all can get it from me...and very special and important is in CHEAPERS PRICE....come look, enjoy and don't forget to have it from me...

Mini Popia Simpul
Mini Popia Gulung

Kuih Goyang @ kuih Ros

Popia Sambal
Rempeyek Kacang tanah
Rempeyek Ikan Bilis
Rempeyek Kacang Dal
Kuih Tiram Bergula

Wednesday 12 September 2012

semua y ad di sini;)

here is the picture that I doing and being sell to all that need....come to view my blog and you will find the best item here...on the above is the door gift that I have been made...have a few sample later I will upload the picture...this is the sample..I also accept what you want, and also your idea...
come enjoy the picture and PM me for asking or want to make an order....

contoh bekas kaca

contoh bekas kaca lain..semua y nak di isi dalam bekas tu terpulang pada customer,,ad mcm2 boleh kite letak dalam bekas ni...;)
boleh gak kalau nak di jadikan hadiah untuk kawan2, hari guru ataupon untuk di bawa bertandang ke rumah orang...:)